Classical Chinese Medicine of Virginia

A Family Medicine Clinic


Welcome. This is a family medicine clinic focused on cultivating health. Here we seek to find the root cause of sickness, reverse the progression of disease, and restore health. I strive to provide a safe healing space for people of all genders, sexual orientations, and ethnicities. I work with people in all phases of life, with a wide range of physical, mental and emotional health issues. Through the healing process, we can remember our purpose in life, learn to honor ourselves fully, be in healthy relationships, and be at peace with the inevitable tides of life. 


Chinese Medicine is about removing obstacles to fully living your life.


Classical Chinese Medicine is an ancient and complete system for understanding health, disease progression, and the healing process. The interconnectedness of the mind, the body, and the spirit is intricately woven through all aspects of the medicine. Physical, mental or emotional symptoms arise to wake us up to imbalances in our lives. Sometimes we are holding onto old patterns from our early life, or are feeling the impact of unresolved traumas. Sometimes we need to evaluate our relationship to ourself or to others. The ways we eat, how much we allow ourselves to rest, the strength of our communities, our connection to Nature, our spiritual practices and our ability to feel and express emotions all affect how we feel in our bodies. True cultivation of health requires tending to these aspects of life.

I work with people to identify areas of life that are out of balance. The direction of treatment is determined from in depth history taking and the brilliant and infinitely complex practices of pulse and tongue diagnosis. I use acupuncture and related modalities, herbs, food medicine, and astrological insights to help people understand and shift patterns, habits, and health issues. Ultimately all healing comes from within, and I always seek to empower patients on their healing journey.



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